VartraV *rand*mly*

Vipul Anand

Jul 12, 2020

Drunk Farmer

Today was a tiring day. Yes, no doubt. Paddy fields ready for transplantation tomorrow. Have to get the labour ready with morning tea and lunch. whatever, enjoy your drink. Year...

Jun 2, 2020

Domain Changed

The domain now is

May 27, 2020

Portfolio Post - 2

categories: portfolio title: Portfolio Post - 2 layout: category-post date: '2020-05-27 11:36:56 +0530' Papaya Report 2018-19 POC

May 27, 2020

Porfolio post - 1

Portfolio Content appear in portfolio section layout: category-post title: Porfolio post - 1 date: '2020-05-27 11:09:56 +0530' categories: portfolio

May 27, 2020

Involving farmers

title: Involving farmers layout: category-post date: '2020-05-27 11:09:56 +0530' categories: writing reaching farmers the survey conducted to gather information on vegetable growers around city. Farmer Contact farmer name mobile number...

May 26, 2020

Does This

Content appear on writing section

May 25, 2020

Focused State vs Defuesed State of mind

Switch modes quite often. Yes, staying in the same state of a very long duration can be frazzling. Listening to the inner calls of exhaustion is like, acting wise. Try...

May 24, 2020

Elderly need love

Many of us have our ageing parents at home and probably you are living with on. yes there are many moments when we find the strong opinions coming to you...

May 19, 2020

farmer's diary

Grower to seller journey, the learning curve is steep and resources are merely left open to self learner’s domain.

Aug 6, 2016

This is fun

the content that is being explored!

This project is maintained by anandvip